INS_CNVETX1_REV– 06/10/13 PAGE 103
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
Video Type
In the General section of the Decoding Profiles Settings you can select the profile Video Type. The
Decoding Profiles Settings window changes for each Video Type. You can set the Video Type for
RTP, Parameterized, URL, or Disabled.
To set the video type:
In the General area select the Video Type.
Video Type: RTP
In the RTP video type you can define a connection to an existing stream. This allows you to
connect to a previously defined multicast stream. In the RTP window you can configure the video,
audio, and multicast streaming.
To configure the video:
1. Select the video check box.
2. From the CODEC drop down list select the video CODEC.
3. From the Video Standard drop down list select the video standard of your video source.
To set the audio:
1. Select the audio check box.
2. From the CODEC drop down list select the audio CODEC.
To set multicast streaming parameters:
1. Select the Multicast Streaming check box to enable multicast streaming.
2. Select the Additional Parameters check box.
3. In the Multicast Video Address text-box, enter the required multicast video address. The
range of addresses that can be used is specified by the RFC 3171 standard as to
4. In the Multicast Video Port text-box enter the required port.
5. In the Multicast Audio Address text-box, enter the required multicast audio address.
6. In the Multicast Audio Port text-box enter the required port
7. Select Save.