Industrial Stations EE 8000
Configuration CCT 800
In the combo-box
the volume reduction value is set. This setting defines how much the
volume is reduced at level “Low“ contrary to level “High“ (0 to –9).
If the checkbox
Level “Low“ at start of Intercom Server
is activated, then an automatic switch
to level “Low“ is carried out at start of the Intercom Server.
If the checkbox
Level “Low“ when button is pressed
is activated, then an automatic switch to
level “Low“ is carried out when a button has been pressed.
Manual volume control
Manual switching by dialling of a code (the code has to be defined as Direct Dialling, which makes it
possible to entitle single stations):
– Low
– High
– Toggle (does not work with “Level Low when button is pressed“)
If both types of volume control (this means automatic and manual volume control) are configured,
then the volume control button can only be used, if the automatic volume control is deactivated,
e.g. during a conversation or a call request.
Because of the configuration of the function “Outputs as FlipFlop” with number “9T92“, a visual
indication (feedback) at the LED button can be programmed without the need for a physical exis-
tence of the output (“Outputs” – “General Settings”). Furthermore, it is highly recommended not
to program an output with the call number “9T92“. Otherwise, if triggered by one single station,
a feedback would be indicated at every industrial station with a configured volume control button.