Industrial Stations EE 8000
Configuration CCT 800
Manual Button- / Indication Functions
Open the folder
Button- / Indication function
in the folder of the desired EE 8000 station.
Direct dialling, Call- / Conversation indication
In the field
Call number
the desired call number is entered.
If the field
Delete before press
is activated, before dialling of the call number “XX” dialled.
If the field
Delete after release
is activated, after releasing the button “XX” is dialled.
In the combo-box
Conversation indication
a conversation template defined at
be selected (LED buttons only).
If no conversation indication is defined, the conversation is not quit, if the button is
pressed again during a conversation to this subscriber.
In the combo-box
Indication call requests
a call request template defined at
can be
selected (LED buttons only).
Single button
In the field
the desired button is entered.
In the combo-box
the action for the defined button is selected, that is carried out when the
direct dialling button is pressed.
Either “Press button”, “Release button” or “Button press/release”.
Control of outputs
In the field
Call number
the call number of the output is entered.
In the combo-box
the action of the output can be selected. Selection of:
“Output off“
= switch output off
“Output on“
= switch output on
“Outputs as FlipFlop“
= toggle output
“Output same as button“
= output on as long as button pressed
“Output blinking“
= switch to output blinking
“Output blinking as long as
button is pressed“
= output blinks as long as button pressed
In the combo-box
“Indication output”
a output indication template defined at
can be
selected (for LED buttons only).
Input simulation
In the field
Call number
the call number of the input is entered.
In the combo-box
Level when pressed
the level can be selected, that is simulated when the button
is pressed.
In the combo-box
Level when released
the level can be selected, that is simulated when the button
is released.
Input message
In the field
Call number
the call number of the input is entered.
In the combo-box
Indication input message
a input message template defined at
be selected (for LED buttons only).
Rest of the functions
Configuration of
Mixing radio conferences, PA functions
dB values margin indication
current manual PRO 800 1.3 or higher.