General: Operating Instructions
for Users
DSS Numbering Scheme for Comset Handsfree Stations (T16)
The lower 7 keys of the Cornset’s DSS field are initially configured as direct access to the following
arrangement of stations:
and S824 group I
(core number 11)
(as seen by station 11)
S824 group II
(core number 19)
(as seen by station 19)
S824 group III
(core number 27)
(as seen by station 27)
Note (1) The direct access to other internal stations is initially limited to its ‘bwn group of eight”. (Other
stations are accessed via the “I” procedure).
(2) The scheme shown above reflects the access as seen by the indicated station. At other stations,
the station’s individual number (on the key location) is replaced by the “core” number, for
instance group I core number is 11.
e.g. at station 22 of a S824, the initial layout would be
(3) The DSS keys can be re-programmed at each individual station (behind a S824) to access
any stations of the complete system.
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