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(A/B/G) Surge Output Ports
Type A and Type B surges (metallic and longitudinal)
surges are applied to these output terminals as
indicated in the following sections.
Connections between the (A/B/G) surge output
terminals and the EUT lines under test must have
solid, low impedance connections with any excess
wire length kept to an absolute minimum in order to
reduce the effects of stray capacitance/inductance on the waveforms.
Ideally, EUT lines under test should be fitted with 4mm safety socket
connectors, and connected directly to the appropriate SGTEL-168
(A/B/G) output terminals as illustrated for each respective surge waveform
in Figures 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Where it is not practical to fit each line to be tested with safety socket
connectors, alternative means of connection, such as ‘break-out’ boxes,
can be very convenient in many cases; but should be carefully
constructed, with short, solid connections as discussed previously in this
When alternative connection methods are employed, it is recommended
that the open circuit waveform parameters (peak voltage, front time &
decay time), as well as the short circuit waveform parameters (peak
current, front time & decay time) be verified for each waveform at the
alternative EUT connection points for each surge waveform.
Powerline surges are typically applied through the internal CDN (see
section 4.4.2). However, in some cases, when the power requirements of
the EUT exceed the specifications of the internal CDN, powerline surges
can also be applied through the (A/B) terminals to a compatible external
powerline coupling/decoupling network using the cable supplied with
that CDN.