88N001H © 2016 Colortrac
Pressing the scan button when using
the USB memory stick does not start
the scan
Wait 3 to 4 seconds after inserting the USB stick into Scan! before
pressing the scan button for the stick to be recognised properly
When using the Scan! NetApp no
scans are received into the folder
a) Power cycle the scanner
b) Determine the scanner IP address then ping it from the
computer e.g. ping 192.168.001.xxx
c) Is the NetApp running?
d) Is a NetApp running on a different computer and directing the
scans somewhere else?
e) If b and c are okay uncheck the Scanner Lock checkbox in c or d
to reset the lock (required after a firmware upgrade)
Straight lines and diagonal lines in the
scan images have very small breaks in
them when inspected at high zoom
If the scanner is subjected to strong physical shock or extremes of
temperature during storage or shipment the internal optical
alignment may be altered very slightly. Use the line calibrate
function from the more settings menu and the calibration target
to electronically re-align the scanner.
The color of the image is suddenly
changing very slightly across the
If the scanner is being used in a room where the temperature is
more warm or cold than normal or different to the environment
where the scanner was last color calibrated then it may be
necessary to recalibrate. Use the color calibrate function from the
more settings menu and the calibration target to electronically re-
set the color in the scanner.