Digital fire detection control panel
C / Compositor Wagner, 8 –P.I. Can Jardí 08191 - RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Tlf.: +34 935 862 690 –
1- System description
1.1- Introduction
The Digital Fire detection Control Panel
Compact Lyon
is EN54-2 and EN 54-4 standard certified
according to the latest CE directives and can succesfully overcome difficult environmental conditions,
electrical interference, electromagnetic radiate upsets, vibrations, etc.
Digital Detection System
represents the most modern technology in fire detection and constitutes a
natural evolution from the Identifiable Detection System towards equipment that not only is able to
identify the element that produces the alarm (sensor or button), but that also allows for the total
configuration of detection parameters (alarm levels, sensitivity,…) as well as the adaptation of the set-
up to the environmental conditions and the dirtiness of the sensor.
In the Cofem Digital Detection System, the loop elements (sensors, manual call points, relay modules,
masters, addressable sounders and technical indicator modules) are auto-identifiable, in other words, all
of them can be installed with no need for prior manual encoding, facilitating enormously the assembly
of and subsequent modifications to the installation.
1.2.- Principle of operation
Digital Detection System
is based on the measurement and transmission of the instant value of the
monitored magnitude (smoke, temperature or monoxide concentration), for their subsequent processing
in the control panel, which will consider the alert or standby status of the sensor.
The temperature, the smoke concentration and the amount of monoxide are sent through the
corresponding sensor in electrical voltages related to the measured magnitude.
After an adaptation process, an optimal relationship between the measured magnitude and the electrical
voltage is obtained.
Each sensor incorporates a microprocessor responsible for the digitisation of the analogue value read in
the sensor, for transmission of this value to the control panel and for identification of the sensor.
The main difference between the conventional and analogical detection systems lies in that for the
former the Voltage delivered by the transducer is compared with a predetermined and fixed threshold
, obtaining from that comparison the
system in standby
system in alarm
In the digital (addressable) detection system, on the contrary, the value given by the transducer is
constantly recorded and processed, being possible to act on the detection parameters, as well as, for
example, the alarm threshold.
With this type of system, not only we can vary the sensitivity of the sensor, but we can even adapt the
sensitivity to the environmental conditions.
Each sensor on the Cofem Digital Detection System transmits its digital value to the control panel with
a regularity of less than 10 seconds. The control panel gathers the readings from each sensor and
determines the status thereof according to these instant readings, any previous readings (history), the
pre-programmed parameters and on the decision algorithm.
Within the detection and fire alarm systems, there are 2 different technologies. In the
CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM, the detector or the alarm call point is causing alarm in the control panel.
In the ADDRESSABLE SYSTEM, the sensor, the alarm call point or the module, is the device which
communicates the value of reading or state to the control panel, and this one processes the alarm state.