Fig. 8
DN inlet and outlet port G1 ¼” male ISO 228.
Frequency inverter for the main pump control.
Power relays for the auxiliary pumps control.
Control and safety system against over-intensities.
Control and safety system against dry operation.
ART function (Automatic Reset Test). If the device has been stopped due to the action of the safety system
against over-intensities, the ART tries to connect the group, with a programmed periodicity because the
water supply could have been restored.
EW function ( Emergency Working). When the system detects a serious failure ( over-intensity, excessive
temperature, ...) the EW function is activated: excluding the affected pump, activating the FAILURE light,
showing the failure type in the LCD screen, recalculating parameters and permitting to continue working the
group in the best possible conditions.
Automatic restore system after an interruption of power supply. System is activated in AUTOMATIC mode
keeping the configuration parameters ( see “CONFIGURATION” chapter).
Volt-free contact for monitoring the alarms displayed in screen originated by irregularities or problems of
the system.
Connections for detection of minimum water level in aspiration tank. This system is independent of the
safety against dry operation. Is optional.
Inside pressure transducer.
Control panel (Fig.9)
LCD screen, for alarm menu with permanent pressure indication.
START/STOP push-button to act by hand each one of the pumps.
AUTOMATIC push-button with LED light.
Keyboard for the access to programming menu.
Digital gauge.
APP function ( Adaptability to the peaks of pressure). System of periodic analysis of the elasticity of the
hydraulic net, allowing to work
the SPEEDMATIC SET with or without
expansion tanks and without
modifying internal parameters of the device. Nevertheless, is highly recommended their use, in order of
getting a better pressure stability.
AIS function (Anti-Ice System). If temperatures under 5 ºC are detected it will start periodically the pump
avoiding the freezing of the water inside the pump.
Register of operational controls. Information about: working hours, counter of starts, counter of connections
to the power supply, percentage of remaining air inside the expansion tank (real time).
Register of alarms. Information about type and number of alarms since the starting up of the device.
For environment temperatures under 0ºC it is very important to take measures to avoid water