Comprehensive protection features preserve the longevity of the loudspeaker and amplifier
by continuously monitoring several critical parameters, and reducing the gain, or muting
the amplifier either temporarily or permanently depending on the nature and seriousness
of the fault or misuse. The amplifier will recover and restart if at all possible, but may
remain in shut down if a serious fault persists.
Limiters deal with routine over-driving of the amplifier, making sure that the driver(s) are
not pushed too hard. The limiter indicator(s) will warn you when the driver is being driven
into limit.
Minor faults are dealt with by ‘dimming’ the amplifier, reducing the level to a sufficient
degree and for a sufficient time that the amplifier is able to recover gracefully without any
user interaction. When the fault condition has passed, the amplifier will recover
More serious faults may cause the amplifier to mute while it recovers, after which it will
automatically re-energize, again without user interaction. If such a fault is found to be
persistent however, the amplifier is shut down permanently. A power cycle by the user is
then required.
Coda Audio may have allowed you access to the Limiter threshold settings. These settings
require careful adjustment in order to protect your loudspeakers. Please refer to Coda
Audio for advice on the appropriate settings to use. Note that a setting of 0dB on the
limiters equates to +36.8dBu = 53.8Vrms (or +42.8dBu, 107.7Vrms in bridge mode). The
equivalent RMS voltage at the output is also shown under the Threshold controls.
For further help on the C-Net application, click the help button on the main application.