Reduce value (coarsely)
Up/Right arrow
Increase value (finely)
Down/Left arrow
Reduce value (finely)
On push-button controls:
Audio Processing
The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) within the amplifier does all the necessary processing
(such as crossover filtering, driver equalization and power limiting) for the loudspeaker to
give you a solution which operates well in most circumstances without the need for further
user adjustment (apart from gain). The user may however apply further processing to
optimize the amplifier for a given application.
The following user processing is available:
High-pass/Low-pass filtering with frequency variable over the range 20Hz to 25kHz (and
‘Out’) with the following alignments:
1st order
12dB/Octave Bessel
12dB/Octave Butterworth
12dB/Octave Linkwitz-Riley
18dB/Octave Bessel
18dB/Octave Butterworth
24dB/Octave Bessel
24dB/Octave Butterworth
24dB/Octave Linkwitz-Riley
A 2nd order low-shelf filter with frequency variable over the range 10Hz to 25kHz, and
boost/cut from –15 to +15dB, and slope from 6 to 12dB/Octave.