Hidden Controls
Coda Audio may have hidden some of the controls on the panel in order to maintain
proper protection of the connected loudspeakers. Such hidden controls will appear grey
and cannot be adjusted.
Saving & Recalling Data
Device Data may be saved to disk or opened from disk. C-Net Device Settings files (with
file extension .dse) contain all the data necessary to restore a device to exactly the same
state as when the file was saved.
If the current settings have been changed since the last file save or file open, the Save
Icon on the panel toolbar will be shown in solid colour. If the settings are already safe, the
Save icon appears grey.
If a file is opened when on-line to devices, the new data will be sent to the device,
overwriting whatever was in the device. A warning will be given before this is done. Data
saved from one device can be reopened in another to save time inputting data. (Assuming
settings are to be duplicated)
C-Net will always try to protect your data, warning you if you are attempting an action
that could cause loss of data.
Loading Factory Presets
Coda Audio will provide you with one or more ‘preset library’ files which contain settings
for specific loudspeakers. These take the form of Factory files (Device Factory files (with
file extension .dfa)).
When you load preset factory settings into this type of device, the current user settings
will be preserved since the factory settings will only overwrite the default factory DSP
settings rather than the User DSP settings. However, routing (source selection), Limiter
thresholds and Bridge mode become overwritten by the values in the factory file, even if
Coda Audio has allowed you to edit these.