Configuration of the dual antenna solution
Appendix B: Dual antenna solution
B.3 Configuration of the dual antenna solution
B.3.1 Overview
The master antenna VSAT profile is configured the same way as a single antenna system.
The master is additionally enabled to be a dual antenna master system and will always listen
for a slave connection. The slave antenna initiates the master/slave connection. When
master has connectivity to a slave it will forward satellite pointing data to the slave. If the
master loses connection to the slave it will continue in stand-alone operation. The following
list shows the tasks for setting up a dual-antenna system:
Blocking zone setup for dual antenna setup
Lineup and commissioning for dual antenna setup
On the DASHBOARD, section SYSTEM INFO, there is a link saying
Slave ADU
where you can switch between the master/slave dashboard. Below the top bar you
can see whether the current system is active or not.
The dual-antenna system switches between the 2 antennas in the following scenarios:
• When in a programmed blocking zone.
• When the signal for the active antenna is blocked for more than 2 minutes.
• Malfunctioning ADU.
• When signal strength drops 4 dB lower than the in-active antenna.
Figure B-3: Dual-antenna mode, link on DASHBOARD (example for Ku antenna)