CM Automation Motor Mix Operations Manual v 2.0 2/00 Page 4
Pro Tools Operations
Function Switches to Left of Faders
Press this switch, and the LCD screen will display the automation enable
choices. The LEDs’s below the LCD show the current enable states. Press
any of the switches below the LCD to choose a selection. Press the "AUTO
ENBL" switch to exit.
"auto mode"
With "SHIFT" down, press the "auto mode" switch, and the LCD screen will
display the current automation mode choices. The LED’s below the LCD
show the current mode. Rotate the rotary pots to choose a selection.
Press the "ALL" switch and rotate a rotary pot to change all channels be
the same state.
If your are playing back Pro Tools automation tracks while in Punch or
Latch automation mode, you can Punch In a fader by pressing the “burn”
button above that fader. The “burn” button LED will shine steadily as long
as the fader motor is disengaged. To Punch Out the fader, press the “burn”
button again. The LED will go out and the motor will engage.
Press the "SUSPEND" switch to globally suspend playback and recording of
automation. The LED will blink. Press again to globally reactivate playback
and recording of automation.
The "create" switch is used to create groups. First use the "SELECT" switches
below the LCD to select the a channel to include in a group. Press and hold
the "SHIFT" switch . Press more select switches to add channels. With
"SHIFT" still down press the "create" switch and the Pro Tools Group dialog
box will appear. Press the "ENTER" switch on Motor Mix to complete the
process or "ESCAPE" to exit without grouping.
The "group” switch and LED under the "VIEW" section on Motor Mix are
used to enable/disable groups. If the LED is lit, the groups are enabled.
With groups enabled, press and hold the "SHIFT" switch then hold the
"group" switch down. The top row of the LCD will show the channel
group assignments.
"PLUG-IN" Assignment
1.) Use a “SELECT” switch (below the LCD) to pick a channel for
plug in assignment.
2.) Press the “PLUG IN” switch to enter plug in mode.
3.) Press “SHIFT” and “assign” and the LCD display inserts 1-4.
You can use the rotary selector switch to select insert 5
for assignment.
4.) Rotate a rotary pot (even numbered) on Motor Mix to make a
plug in selection for the desired insert.
5.) Press the “assign” switch again to complete assignments for
that insert.
6.) Repeat steps 3-5 to add more plug ins to that channel.
"PLUG-IN" Control
Use the "SELECT" switch to select a channel with a Plug-in assigned. Press
the "PLUG-IN” switch to enable the LCD, rotary pots and "SELECT" switches
to control your Plug-ins. The Plug-in window will open and the rotary pots
and selector will become Plug-in controls. The 7 segment displays will say
"IN" For insert control or "PA" for parameter control. Push the selector to
toggle between insert and parameter control.
Insert control mode
There is an LCD page for Inserts 1-4 and one for Insert 5. Rotate the
selector to select either page. The top row of the LCD will display both the
insert page and the current channel being controlled. The lower LCD row
will display either "no insert" or a shorthand label for a Plug-in. If no label
is flashing, that Plug-in is being controlled by Motor Mix. Use a "SELECT"
switch to pick an insert to control, and the parameter control mode will
become active.
Parameter control mode
The LCD will display the Plug-in parameter names and settings. The top
LCD row and the "SELECT" switches will control switchable parameters. The
lower LCD row and rotary pots control continuously variable parameters.
Note that the "SELECT" switch and the correct rotary pot will be just below
the parameter values on the LCD. Rotate the selector to move between
parameter pages. The upper left of the LCD displays Plug-in page/label.
With "SHIFT" down, press the "compare" switch to compare current Plug-in
settings with previous settings. This switch only compares if the compare
button is lit in the Plug-in window.
Press this switch, and the LCD screen will display the Pro Tools window
choices, mixer, memory locations, edit, setup, transport, insert editor. The
LED's below the LCD show the open windows. Press any of the switches
below the LCD to open or close a window. Press the "WINDOW" switch to
close the window and exit.
With "SHIFT" pressed down, press the "tools" switch to select an edit tool.
If the "ALL" switch is held down, the current action will be applied across all
channels. For example, press "ALL" and then a “Mute” switch, and all
channels will be muted or unmuted.
With "SHIFT" pressed down, press the "alternate" switch. Now move a fader
and it's attenuation settings will appear in the top LCD row for that
channel. Move a rotary pot, and the PAN setting or SEND attenuation will
appear in the top LCD row on that channel.