Hardware Requirements
Your personal computer with a properly installed and configured MIDI in-
terface with one MIDI input and one MIDI output dedicated to Motor Mix.
The computer must have the audio hardware that your DAW application
requires such as A to D converters (audio inputs) and D to A converters
(audio outputs) and Plug-ins .
Connect the Motor Mix MIDI out jack to the MIDI input on your computer
MIDI interface. Connect your computer MIDI out jack to the MIDI input
jack on Motor Mix.
Software Requirements
An audio application from one of the many Motor Mix support partners.
Run the audio application and go into the proper menu to enable MIDI
input to the application and MIDI output from the application. If the appli-
cation requires a special controller setup, please follow the directions in the
software support manual provided by the software company. We will post
software installation procedures on our web site ( as
they become available.
If Motor Mix does not respond properly, you can run the built in self-test in
Motor Mix. Simply connect the MIDI output directly into the MIDI input on
Motor Mix and apply power. Motor Mix will move all 8 faders, blink the
LED's and the LCD and test the MIDI in and out. If the test passes, you can
look for problems elsewhere.
Contacting Technical Support
For questions related to setting up and using Motor Mix with Pro Tools, or
if you feel that Motor Mix needs to be repaired, contact the Digidesign
technical support department.
Digidesign phone: 650 842-6699
Digidesign email: [email protected]
For questions related to setting up and using Motor Mix with products
other than Pro Tools, please contact the manufacturer of the product you
are using.
Standard Operation, Set up, Troubleshooting
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