Drive Clutch
2005 FE350 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance and Service Supplement
Page 17-5
3. Place chocks at the front wheels and lift the rear of the vehicle with a chain hoist or floor jack. Place jack
stands under the vehicle frame at the front spring mounts. This will allow the centerline of the drive clutch
to drop below the frame I-beam for access to the bolt securing the drive clutch.
See following WARN-
• Lift only one end of the vehicle at a time. Use a suitable lifting device (chain hoist or hydraulic
floor jack) with 1000 lb. (454 kg) minimum lifting capacity. Do not use lifting device to hold
vehicle in raised position. Use approved jack stands of proper weight capacity to support the
vehicle and chock the wheels that remain on the floor. When not performing a test or service
procedure that requires movement of the wheels, lock the brakes.
4. Remove the drive clutch retaining bolt (17) and mounting washers (19)
(Figure 17-5, Page 17-6)
also Figure 17-3, Page 17-4. See following NOTE.
The drive clutch mounting bolt has left-hand threads.
The crankshaft has left-hand threads at the clutch mounting hole.
5. Lubricate the threaded portion of the clutch puller tool with a light oil and thread the clutch puller tool into
the clutch retaining bolt hole.
6. Use a 1/2-inch drive air wrench to tighten the clutch puller tool. The drive clutch will come free of the
(Figure 17-4, Page 17-4)
7. Support the drive clutch assembly in your hand and back the clutch puller tool out of the crankshaft.
• Do not hit or tap the clutch with a hammer. Do not pry the clutch. These actions will damage
the clutch.
1. Use a dry, lint-free cloth to clean clutch parts.
• Do not lubricate the drive clutch. Lubricants attract dirt and dust, which interfere with proper
clutch operation.
• Use only a dry cloth to lightly wipe the shaft of the fixed face assembly (7) (Figure 17-5,
Page 17-6). Do not use a brush or steel wool. These will damage the surface of the shaft.
• Do not use solvents. Solvents will damage the lubricating characteristics of the bushings.
2. Inspect the belt contact surfaces of the clutch sheaves for wear. If any area of a sheave contact surface
has wear of 0.060 inch (1.52 mm) or more, the clutch should be replaced.