PREVIEW can be quickly accessed from any search method by clicking on the Preview icon from
the Search control panel at the bottom of the screen, or right clicking, then selecting PREVIEW.
SEARCH > Panorama & Preview
To access Panorama & Preview search options, you must be viewing
a single channel. Right click on the video area to bring up the CAMEO
MENU for that channel.
Display up to 16 consecutive still frames of a selected
channel during playback. Each window of the selected multiplex view
(4 / 9 / 16) represents 1 frame of video. The higher the recorded frame
rate (FPS) the faster the still frames will refresh.
Displays video from the selected channel as a still image
from every 4 minutes of video.
Each frame is a still
image taken every 4
Displays video frame
by frame in a multi-
plex view (4/9/16).