Multi-Appliance Comfort Control
Ducted Evaporative Air Conditioning
All evaporative air conditioners need some water to go
to waste to prevent build-up of mineral deposits in the
system. Your unit has been supplied with a dump
valve as well as a bleed control to provide maximum
options for best water management.
The correct setting of the dump valve and bleed will
ultimately govern the life of the unit. Should there be
evidence of a build up of mineral deposits in the unit,
review the dump and or bleed-off values.
Failure to manage the correct levels of dissolved solids
in the unit will void warranty. Refer to your local dealer
for best settings.
Dump Valve
The dump valve provided with your unit is able to be
operated with various timed dumping options (0, 1, 2,
4, 8, 12, 24 hours).
Dumping cycles will have to be activated (refer to the
setup section of this document) and set in accordance
with the water quality in your area. In areas of good
water quality, the correct dumping cycle only may
suffice and the bleed-off function in the Dialflo may not
be required. Increased water hardness may require a
bleed rate as well as a dump cycle and increased
Drainage from the dump valve must be plumbed
away in accordance with local and state plumbing
requirements. However this water could also be
stored in a non drinking water tank for other use.
Set the Water Distribution Flow Rate
To set the water distribution rate locate the DIALFLO
externally on one of the unit corner posts. Rotate the
filter knob (the outer knob) anti-clockwise for more
water and clockwise for less water. Do this before
setting a bleed rate.
Set the BLEED-OFF Rate.
Use the DIALFLO to rotate the BLEED knob (the
inner knob) clockwise for more water flow and anti
clockwise for less.
Note: Hold the distribution knob (Filters) while setting
the bleed rate as the distribution flow rate may go out
of adjustment.
Comfort Control - PNE
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