Safety Recommendations
Radial Deviation
Ulnar Deviation
• Use a minimum hand grip force consistent with proper
control and safe operation
• Keep body and hands warm and dry (cold weather is
reported to be a major factor contributing to Raynaud's
• Avoid anything that inhibits blood circulation
—Smoking Tobacco (another contributing
—Cold Temperatures
—Certain Drugs
• Tasks should be performed in such a manner that the
wrists are maintained in a neutral position, which is
not flexed, hyperextended, or turned side to side.
• Stressful postures should be avoided — select a tool
appropriate for the job and work location
• Avoid highly repetitive movements of hands and
wrists, and continuous vibration exposure (after each
period of operation, exercise to increase blood circu-
• Keep tool well maintained and replace worn parts
Work gloves with vibration reducing liners and wrist supports are
available from some manufacturers of industrial work gloves. Tool
wraps and grips are also available from a number of different manufac-
turers. These gloves, wraps, and wrist supports are designed to
reduce and moderate the effects of extended vibration exposure and
repetitive wrist trauma. Since they vary widely in design, material,
thickness, vibration reduction, and wrist support qualities, it is recom-
mended that the glove, tool wrap, or wrist support manufacturer be
consulted for items designed for your specific application. WARNING!
Proper fit of gloves is important. Improperly fitted gloves may
restrict blood flow to the fingers and can substantially reduce
grip strength.
For more information on the safe use of portable air tools, see the latest
edition of ANSI B186.1, Safety Code for Portable Air Tools, available
from the American National Standards Institute, Inc. 11 West 42nd
Street, New York, NY 10036.
This information is a compilation of general safety practices obtained
from various sources available at the date of production. However, our
company does not represent that every acceptable safety practice is
offered herein, or that abnormal or unusual circumstances may not
warrant or require additional procedures. Your work may require
additional specific safety procedures. Follow these procedures as
required by your company.
Warning Labels
The warning labels found on these tools are an essential part of this
product. Labels should not be removed. Labels should be checked
periodically for legibility. Replace warning labels when missing or when
the information can no longer be read. Replacement labels can be
ordered as any spare part.
Personal hearing protection is
recommended when operating
or working near this tool.
Impact resistant eye protection
must be worn while operating
or working near this tool.
Read Operating Instructions carefully. Follow
the Safety Recommendations for your safety
and the safety of others.
Hearing protection is recommended in high noise
areas (above 85 dBA). Close proximity of other
tools, reflective surfaces, process noises, and
resonant structures can substantially contribute
to the sound level experienced by the user.
Repetitive work motions and/or vibration
can cause injury to hands and arms.
Use minimum hand grip force consistent with
proper control and safe operation.
Keep body and hands warm and dry.
Avoid anything that inhibits blood circulation.
Avoid continuous vibration exposure.
Keep wrists straight.
Avoid repeated bending of wrists and hands.
Do not remove this tag until
the operator of this tool has
read these safety precautions.