Do not fully tighten the strap at this time.
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the remaining straps.
12. After all side security straps are in place and slightly tightened and the cover is centered evenly on the frame,
complete the following steps to install the PVC cover conduit as described in the following procedure.
Installing the Main Cover PVC Conduit and Tightening the Main Cover (Not for the 48' length.)
To better secure the main cover on buildings longer than 48', PVC conduits are used near the ends of the cover to provide
an additional tie-down position. Complete these steps to assemble and install the PVC conduits.
For the 48' length, skip Steps 1-8 and continue with Step 9 of the procedure that follows.
1. With the main cover in position on the frame, locate the pocket for the PVC conduit near the end of the main cover
and insert one length of the PVC pipe (smooth end first).
2. Select another piece of PVC, feed it into the pocket of the main cover and into the bell end of the first piece of PVC.
Use duct tape (or PVC glue–not provided) to secure each PVC joint.
3. Continue feeding the PVC conduit into the cover pocket in this pattern until the PVC conduit is completely assembled
and inserted for one end of the shelter. Repeat these steps for the other end of the main cover.
Photo shows a different
shelter with a similar
ratchet and cover
design. The procedures
to secure the main cover
are identical despite the
differences in the frame
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