Step 10:
Remove the ropes and position the cover evenly on all four sides.
Do not leave the cover unattended until it has been secured in all four corners.
Step 11:
In the front and rear hems, locate the black straps. If either of your straps were shipped
with a D-ring attached, you must cut the D-ring off with scissors as it is not used on this model.
Step 12:
Tighten both corner straps on each end by pulling on them manually. Have a partner help
you so you can pull on both straps for an end at the same time.
Step 13:
Cut off the excess strap leaving about 12" in length, and feed the strap through the center
slot in the ratchet and tighten only slightly. Repeat in the other corners.
Step 14:
On the side of the shelter opposite where you installed ratchets, lift the cover up from the
outside so you can see the conduit frame. You will install D-ring side straps on this side. You
will use the same rafters you installed ratchets to but on the opposite side.
Step 15:
The hem containing the cover conduit needs to be slit or notched at each rafter where you
will install a side strap. If your cover was not notched at the factory, continue with this step. Cut
a 2" long slit in the hem just above the cover conduit. Repeat this step on the other side of the
hem so you can pass a 1" wide strap with D-rings over the conduit through the slits.
Side Strap Installation
If you already made small slits in Step 8 above, you can simply elongate these slits
centered on the rafter as required.
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