9“ / 12“
User manual / Bedienungsanleitung
Seite/Page 6
clearaudio electronic GmbH 2012
To adjust the pivot of the tonearm
recommends the clearaudio IEC alignment
gauge (Art. No.: AC005 / IEC; also available at www.analogshop.de).
Make sure that the distance from the spindle to the pivot point (center) of the tonearm (9 “)
is exact
222 mm (for Universal 12” = 295 mm)
. When moving the armboard in one or
another direction you can set the correct distance. After distance is adjusted, tighten the
screws of the armboard.
Pic. 5a:
Distance from spindle to pivot 222 mm / Universal 9”
Pic. 5b:
Distance from spindle to pivot 295 mm / Universal 12”
Adjustment of the tonearm height with VTA – Lifter:
Please follow hereby the user manual of the VTA – Lifter.
The height of the tonearm ist adjusted correct, if the upper side of the mounted cartridge is
parallel to the surface of the record (when the cartridge is lifted down).
222 mm
295 mm