User manual / Bedienungsanleitung
Made in Germany
Page / Seite 11
For the final tonearm and cartridge adjustment you
will need the adjustment template which is also
included in the scope of the delivery.
Place it directly on the turntable (without record)
and align it so that the arrow points to the tonearm
pivot point (Pic. 10).
Take the tonearm out of the rest position and align
it in the area of the cross lines.
Lower the tonearm and check the alignment.
The cartridge body must be aligned in the template
grid so that the needle tip is in the cross lines.
Also the side and front edges of the housing have
to be parallel to the grid lines.
To correct the adjustment, you have to loosen the
screws of the cartridge a little so that the cartridge
can be moved in the headshell.
Re-check the setting again after you have tightened
the screws.
Pic. 10:
Alignment of the tonearm
Pic. 11: The tonearm tube must be absolutely parallel
Pic. 12: Stylus tip on reference point
5.2 Alignment and adjustment of the cartridge