AC 0410
G • Mode selector switch
Before introducing air/smoke into the system, which is to be tested, this operating mode
of the unit must be confirmed.
HIGH PRESSURE mode, the output pressure is 1.2-1.5bar, this mode must be selected for
the turbo and intake system, but
never for the EVAP system
LOW PRESSURE mode, when switching to EVAP mode, the output pressure is 0.035 bar,
which is suitable for leak testing in high pressure sensitive systems, such as EVAP.
H • Flowmeter
The purpose of the flow meter is to provide a quick visual indication of the amount of air/
smoke passing through the system under test. If the smoke diffuser is in a closed system
and there are no leaks in that system, the flow meter will indicate zero («ball float» at the
bottom of the scale).
When a system is filled with air or smoke, the flow meter ball will slowly fall to the bottom
of the scale when the pressure in the system equals the outlet pressure of the unit. As the
flow rate decreases, the outlet pressure increases. If the flowmeter ball never falls to the
bottom of the scale, there are leaks or air passing through the system. It is not necessary
to use smoke when using the flow meter to determine if there is a leak.
I • Flow Control Valve
In many cases, excessive smoke from a leak can make it difficult to determine the exact
location of the leak. The purpose of the flow control valve is to reduce the amount of
smoke escaping from a leak so that its position can be determined without the masking
effect of excessive smoke.
Turn clockwise to decrease the flow rate, counterclockwise to increase it. This valve is also
used to lock out the system under test and observe any drop in pressure on the gauge.
J • Outlet Pressure Gauge
The outlet pressure gauge displays the machine outlet pressure. When the machine is
connected to a system, the pressure inside the system becomes equal to the machine’s
output pressure. When the machine is completely blocked (by placing your thumb on the
smoke supply nozzle), the pressure gauge indicates the maximum output pressure. -•
Pressure Drop Test: This gauge can also be used to determine if a leak exists by closing the
flow control valve when the system is under pressure. If the gauge maintains the displayed
pressure, there is no leakage. If the pressure reading begins to drop when the flow control
valve is closed, there is a leak in the system.
K • Bouton marche/arrêt
En appuyant sur le bouton Start/Stop, on démarre un cycle de production de fumée de
5 minutes. Pour interrompre ce cycle, appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton Start/Stop et la
production de fumée s’arrêtera. Si le cycle n’est pas interrompu, la production de fumée
s’arrêtera automatiquement dans 5 minutes. Une fois la fuite localisée, il est recommandé
d’arrêter la production de fumée à l’aide de ce bouton plutôt que de tourner la vanne de
régulation du débit en position complètement fermée.
Содержание AC 0410
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