2.9 Events
In this menu will be created all the events we are going to use depend of the time and
attendance system we want, being possible create usual events like (Doctor, smoke,
lunch, breakfast and so on…). This system offers to control perfectly the work time of
each employ. Through SDK we can send an event picture to the terminal so when one
employ is going to make an event log he’ll see the event picture in the screen which
offer a better knowledge to the users about what they are checking…
2.10 Access (only for terminals with relay)
In the access control menu we can configure so many access control parameters such
as: Time zones, holidays, groups, access combined, alarm and antipassback.
Time zones: We’ll define the time zones we want to assign to the users to
give them access privileges for opening the door or denied the access.
It’s the menu where you can set the public holidays and private
ones as well. So those days the access will be denied for the user or users
you decide.
Groups: This functionality it’s especially useful for Access control due we
can create like profiles for the same users. So, imaging we have 10 users
with the same access control time zones and setting this menu provides us
the capability to include all of them in only one group, setting the
parameters in the group instead of user by user.
Combined Access: With this option, we can increase the security level of our
Access control terminals, by offering the possibility to oblige users of
different groups to be identified at the same time to door opening.