Fingerprint and password enrolment
Under this option, a user can enroll both fingerprint and password at the same time.
The user can either use fingerprint or password to report attendance or to gain access
RFID card enrolment
User can enroll RFID Card
2.4 Date / Time Adjustment
When first installing a fingerprint terminal, it is important to set the correct date and
Follow the steps shown to access the Date/Time adjustment menu:
You can insert inputs into the terminals through the keypad. It contains
numbers from 0-9, an OK button, an ESC/Cancel button, a Scroll up/down
button, a doorbell button and a Menu button.
2.5 Enroll Administrator / User
Once the fingerprint terminal is switched on, a display on the screen will appear. Enroll
a supervisor or an administrator, who is the in-charge person to administer the
fingerprint templates and the transaction data in the terminal. Choose trustworthy
people for this particular role