Model XP2F
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
N-XP2F IOM V1.0-4.5
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X35 Flow Calculation Module
The Cla-Val X35 Flow Calculation Module is the
centerpiece of the XP2F metering package. The X35
Module is responsible for handling all the input and
output signals in the XP2F package. The X35 has four 4-
20mA inputs and four 4-20mA outputs. The standard
inputs include Valve Position, Upstream and
Downstream Pressure Transmitters or a single DP
Transmitter. The fourth input is reserved as a spare
which can log or retransmit data from any additional 4-
20mA field device.
To calculate the metered flow, the X35 assimilates data
from valve-mounted pressure transmitters and a
position transmitter. Using a proprietary algorithm, the
flow rate through the valve is calculated and shown on
the local X35 display. The X35 provides 4-20mA analog
outputs to retransmit the calculated flow, measured
pressures, and measured position to a nearby PLC/SCADA system. The X35 also logs all data to a local SD
card which can be exported in CSV file format for later analysis. Continue below for installation, wiring,
for detailed wiring information. Refer to
for menu info and advanced configuration.
Figure 4.1