• The scale rounds your weight to the nearest 100 g (0.2 lb).
• The scale responds to a minimum weight of 3 kg (6.6 lb or. 0 : 4 st).
1. Place the scale on a dry, level and sturdy surface (avoid carpeting). Uneven surfaces will
produce inaccurate measurement results.
2. Press the button to activate the scale.
3. ‘8888’ will appear on the display. Wait until the display shows ‘0.0’ (kg / lb / st : lb).
You can choose whether weights should be displayed in kilogrammes (kg),
pounds (lb) or stones (st : lb) before stepping on the scale. Use the
button on
the underside of the scale to set the unit.
4. Step onto the scale. Your body weight will now be determined.
5. The number shown on the display will blink once your body weight has been determined.
You can now step off the scale.
6. The scale will automatically turn off after a few seconds.
General information on body fat and body water
The basic principle of this scale involves measuring the body’s electrical impedance. The scale
emits a weak, hardly noticeable electrical signal through your body in order to determine current
values. Under normal circumstances, this signal is completely harmless!
This type of measurement is also known as the ‘biometric impedance analysis’ (BIA). It involves
a factor associated with the ratio of body fat and water and is also dependant on other biological
aspects (age, gender, height). Some heavier people have a balanced ratio of fat to muscle mass
and there are some thin people with much greater body fat levels.
Body fat and body water
Too much body fat burden places strain on the body and the circulatory system in particular.
However, fat is still an important part of the body. It plays an important role in the human body,
from protecting the joints to storing vitamins, not to mention regulating body temperature. The
goal is not to drastically reduce the amount of fat in the body, but to achieve and maintain a
balanced ratio of muscle and fat mass.
Fat mass also influences the amount of water in the body. The body is composed mainly of water.
In women, water makes up around 45 to 60 % of their total weight and in men, around 50 to
70 %. Since fatty tissue does not hold much water, the percentage of water in the body usually
decreases as the percentage of fat increases.
Body fat and body water can vary depending on the water storage in the body, life style and
everyday habits. For example, body fat is higher in the morning and body water is lower, since
the body tends to dehydrate during the night and to collect fluid in the upper body. During the
day, water is then distributed homogeneously throughout the entire body.
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