- 134 -
n = 4, 52 specified (only for B.M specs)
The Black mark length and mark interval currently used are returned in 4-byte code.
All fractional parts in millimeters are rounded off.
Byte 1 + Byte 2
256 = Black mark interval
Byte 3 + Byte 4
256 = Black mark length
• Under DTR/DSR control, the printer sends the printer ID after verifying that the host is
ready to receive.
• Sending the Black mark length is valid only when Black mark paper is selected. If the
host is not ready to receive, the printer waits for the host to become ready to receive.
• Under XON/XOFF control, the printer sends the printer ID without checking whether or
not the host is ready to receive.
• Because this command is executed when data is mapped in the receive buffer, there
may be a delay between command receiving and printer ID sending depending on the
condition of the receive buffer.
• If ASB (Automatic Status Back) is enabled by GS a, the host must discriminate
between the printer ID due to this command and the status due to ASB.
Black mark paper