!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO root-system username is configured. Need to configure root-system username.
--- Administrative User Dialog ---
Enter root-system username:
% Entry must not be null.
Enter root-system username: root
Enter secret:
Use the 'configure' command to modify this configuration.
User Access Verification
Username: root
Step 3
Enter a new password to use for this router.
The software checks the security strength of your password and rejects your password if it is not considered to be a strong
password. To increase the security strength of your password, make sure that it adheres to the following guidelines:
At least eight characters
Minimizes or avoids the use of consecutive characters (such as "abcd")
Minimizes or avoids repeating characters (such as "aaabbb")
Does not contain recognizable words from the dictionary
Does not contain proper names
Contains both uppercase and lowercase characters
Contains numbers as well as letters
Examples of strong passwords include the following:
Clear text passwords cannot include the dollar sign ($) special character.
If a password is trivial (such as a short, easy-to-decipher password), the software will reject your password
configuration. Be sure to configure a strong password as explained in this step. Passwords are case sensitive.
If you enter a strong password, the software asks you to confirm the password.
Step 4
Enter the same password again.
If you enter the same password, the software accepts the password .
Hardware Installation Guide for Cisco NCS 5500 Series Fixed-Port Routers
Connect Router to the Network
Creating the Initial Router Configuration