Administrator’s Guide for Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration Release 5.3
Chapter 5 Using Cisco MeetingPlace Video Conferencing
About Setting Up End Users for Video Conferencing in Cisco MeetingPlace
About Setting Up End Users for Video Conferencing in
Cisco MeetingPlace
After end-users’ desktop or room-based video equipment is installed and running, set the
Cisco MeetingPlace profiles of designated users to allow them to schedule meetings that include video
conferencing. See
About Managing User Profiles for Video Use, page 4-10
Users see video options when they schedule meetings only if their Cisco MeetingPlace profiles are
enabled for video conferencing. Users without Cisco MeetingPlace profiles cannot schedule video
conferences. Users do not need a Cisco MeetingPlace profile to attend video conferences.
In MeetingTime, you can set or change the video-conferencing bandwidth for groups and individual
users, and set or change the default video-conferencing endpoint address for each user.
Users can set or change their video-conferencing bandwidth and default endpoint address in
Cisco MeetingPlace Web Conferencing on the Account Basics page (if the optional Account link is
displayed, allowing access to that page).
The endpoint address can be a phone number or an H.323 endpoint address. The endpoint address must
be less than 128 digits; however, some endpoints require fewer than 128 digits.
For details about administrative functions in MeetingTime and Cisco MeetingPlace Web Conferencing,
see the
Administrator’s Guide
for Cisco MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3 and the
for Cisco MeetingPlace Web Conferencing Release 5.3.
Reservationless meetings (not all
Cisco MeetingPlace systems have this
Video conferences are not scheduled with
reservationless meetings but can be created and
attended on an ad-hoc basis when users join the
conference or during the conference. See
Attending Ad-Hoc Video Conferences, page 5-6
for requirements.
As with audio conferences, participants who join
the meeting before the scheduler arrives will wait
in the waiting room until the scheduler starts the
video conference.
Other behavior is as described in this document.
Continuous meetings
The video conference begins when the first
attendee joins the video conference, and continues
until it is terminated in Cisco MeetingPlace. If the
video conference is terminated for any reason, it
will resume as soon as a participant joins again.
Other behavior is as described in this document.
Lecture-style meetings (excluding Q and A mode,
which is not enabled for video conferencing in
Release 5.3, but which is available for audio-only
About Participating in Lecture Style
Meetings, page 5-9
Meeting Type
Video-Conferencing Behavior