Cisco Systems, Inc.
Configuring Cisco Multimode G.SHDSL
EFM/ATM in Cisco ISR G2
Last Updated: October 14, 2013
This document describes how to configure Cisco G.SHDSL Ethernet in the first mile (EFM) and
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM Enhanced high-speed WAN interface
card (EHWIC) connect Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 (ISR G2s) with central office
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers (DSLAMs) and provide up to four lines of G.SHDSL
(ITU-T 991.2) connectivity. The C888EA provides four pairs of multimode G.SHDSL connectivity.
There is one EHWIC model and one fixed platform model:
EHWIC-4SHDSL-EA—A double-wide multimode EHWIC G.SHDSL, 4 pair, 802.3ah, EFM and
ATM mode interface card
C888EA—A multimode G.SHDSL, 4 pair 802.3ah, EFM and ATM mode fixed platform
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This document shows the configuration process for the EHWIC-4SHDSL-EA multimode EFM and ATM
card and the C888EA EFM and ATM mode fixed platform.
Prerequisites for Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM EHWICs, page 2
Information About Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM, page 2
Connecting Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM to the Network, page 4
Configuring Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM, page 4
Troubleshooting Cisco G.SHDSL EFM/ATM, page 26