Installation Guide for Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine 4.1
Chapter 4 Administering Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine
Reconfiguring Solution Engine System Parameters
Setting the System Time and Date Manually
You can set and maintain the system date and time by using one of two methods:
Set the time and date manually.
Assign a network time protocol (NTP) server with which the system synchronizes its date and time.
To set the ACS SE system time and date by using an NTP, see
Setting the System Time and Date with
NTP, page 4-20
To set the ACS SE system time and date manually:
Step 1
Log in to the ACS SE. For more information, see
Logging In to the Solution Engine From a Serial
Console, page 4-2
Step 2
At the system prompt, type
set time
, and then press
The system displays the message:
Current Date Time Setting:
Time Zone: (GMT -xx:xx) XXX Time
Date and Time: mm/dd/yyyy hh/mm/ss
NTP Servers: (“Ntp Synchronization Disabled” - or -a list of NTP servers)
Change Date & Time Setting? [N]
Step 3
To set the time zone, time, or date type
, and then press
The system displays a list of indexed time zones and the message:
[xx] (GMT -xx:xx) XXX Time.
Enter desired time zone index (0 for more choices) [x]:
Step 4
Enter the desired time zone index number from the time zone setting list, and then press
You can also type
(zero) and press
to see more time zone index numbers.
The system displays the new time zone.
Step 5
At the
Synchronize with NTP Server?
prompt, type
, and then press
Step 6
At the
Enter date [mm/dd/yyyy]:
prompt, type the date, and then press
Step 7
At the
Enter time [hh:mm:ss]:
prompt, type the current time, and then press
The system time is reset.
Setting the System Time and Date with NTP
You can set and maintain the system date and time by using one of two methods:
Set the time and date manually.
Assign a network time protocol (NTP) server with which the system synchronizes its date and time.
(You can configure backup NTP servers if you desire.)
To set the ACS SE system time and date manually, see
Setting the System Time and Date Manually,
page 4-20