completed after the event. The actions include collecting
command outputs and sending them to Smart
Call Home to parse.
Diagnostic Signature Event Detection
Event detection in a DS is defined in two ways: single event detection and multiple event detection.
Single Event Detection
In single event detection, only one event detector is defined within a DS. The event specification format is
one of the following two types:
DS event specification type: syslog, periodic, configuration, Online Insertion Removal (OIR) immediate,
and callhome are the supported event types, where
indicates that this type of DS does not
detect any events, its actions are performed once it is downloaded, and the call-home type modifies the
current CLI commands defined for existing alert-group.
The Embedded Event Manager (EEM) specification type: supports any new EEM event detector without
having to modify the Cisco software.
Other than using EEM to detect events, a DS is triggered when a Tool Command Language (Tcl) script
is used to specify event detection types.
Multiple Event Detection
Multiple event detection involves defining two or more event detectors, two ore more corresponding tracked
object states, and a time period for the events to occur. The specification format for multiple event detection
can include complex event correlation for tracked event detectors. For example, three event detectors (syslog,
OIR, and IPSLA) are defined during the creation of a DS file. The correlation that is specified for these event
detectors is that the DS will execute its action if both syslog and OIR events are triggered simultaneously, or
if IPSLA is triggered alone.
Diagnostic Signature Actions
The diagnostic signature (DS) file consists of various actions that must be initiated when an evnt occurs. The
action type indicates the kind of action that will be initiated in response to a certain event.
Variables are elements within a DS file that are used to customize the files.
DS actions are categorized into the following five types:
DS action types call-home and emailto collect event data and send a message to call-home servers or to the
defined email addresses. The message uses "diagnostic-signature" as its message type and DS ID as the
message sub-type.
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Troubleshooting and Network Management Configuration
Guide for Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x
Call Home
Information About Diagnostic Signatures