SNMP Background Synchronization
The SNMP Background Synchronization features provides periodic background synchronization of DOCSIS
MIB data from line card to Supervisor in order to improve the performance of the SNMP polling of these
MIB tables.
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features that are documented in this module. For the latest
feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. The Feature
Information Table at the end of this document provides information about the documented features and lists
the releases in which each feature is supported.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about the platform support and Cisco software image
support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to the link
. You do not
require a cisco.com login account.
Information About SNMP Background Synchronization, page 227
How to Configure SNMP Background Synchronization, page 228
Configuring Example for SNMP Background Synchronization, page 234
Feature Information for SNMP Background Synchronization, page 235
Information About SNMP Background Synchronization
To improve SNMP performance, SNMP background synchronization feature is introduced to synchronize
the SNMP MIB information between the line card and the Supervisor. It is based on raw socket and uses TCP
protocol. The benefits of the SNMP Background Synchronization include:
Bundles small packets together before sending out, increases IPC channel utilization.
Use pre-allocated static buffer to send/receive message, avoid buffer allocation at run time.
In order not to burden CPU when the system is in high load, SNMP background synchronization receive
process can sleep based on CPU utilization, so it will not compete with other priority processes.
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Troubleshooting and Network Management Configuration Guide
for Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x