DOCSIS CMTS Topology Service Definition
In the case of an event session, the event means a change of the topology.
This service definition schema defines the IPDR service definition schema for the CMTS Topology information.
The DOCSIS-CMTS-TOPOLOGY-TYPE schema supports the following collection methods:
Sends the entire picture of all fiber-nodes.
Sends only the updated channels status of the fiber nodes.
DOCSIS CPE Service Definition
The DOCSIS-CPE-TYPE schema supports the following collection methods:
Follows a schedule based on session configuration to export data on a periodic time interval.
When a given time interval end is reached, the Exporter collects the CPE status information, then transfers
the records to the Collector.
When new CPE is added, the status of the CPE changes (including change in IP address), or a
new CPE replaces an old one (in this case, two messages are displaced
removal of the old CPE and
addition of the new CPE). For more information, see the Operations Support System Interface (OSSI)
DOCSIS CMTS Utilization Statistics Service Definition
The CMTS Utilization Statistics mainly focuses on channel utilization. It covers CMTS MAC Domain, channel
identifier, and the upstream or downstream utilization attributes and counters.
The DOCSIS-CMTS-US-UTIL-STATS-TYPE schemas defines upstream utilization statistics for a specified
upstream logical channel interface for the specified Cisco CMTS. The interval can be configured through
Channel Utilization Interval.
The DOCSIS-CMTS-DS-UTIL-STATS-TYPE schema defines downstream utilization statistics for a specified
downstream interface for the specified Cisco CMTS. The interval can be configured through Channel Utilization
For more information, see the IPDR Streaming Protocol on the Cisco CMTS Routers guide at the following
These schemas support only interval-driven event session for the entire downstream and upstream. The interval
is defined in the docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval MIB and it creates document for every exporting.
The UsUtilTotalCntnReqDataMslots, UsUtilUsedCntnReqDataMslots, and UsUtilCollCntnReqDataMslots
MIBs are not supported on the Cisco CMTS implementation.
The DsUtilTotalBytes MIB for RF Gateway RF channels is the maximum counter of bytes this RF channel
can pass during an interval.
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Troubleshooting and Network Management Configuration Guide
for Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x
Usage-Based Billing (SAMIS)
IPDR Service Definition Schemas