Diagnostic events (storage for 500 events, 0 events recorded)
Number of events matching above criteria = 0
No diagnostic log entry exists.
This example shows how to display the description for a diagnostic test:
show diagnostic description switch 1 test all
DiagGoldPktTest :
The GOLD packet Loopback test verifies the MAC level loopback
functionality. In this test, a GOLD packet, for which doppler
provides the support in hardware, is sent. The packet loops back
at MAC level and is matched against the stored packet. It is a non
-disruptive test.
DiagThermalTest :
This test verifies the temperature reading from the sensor is below the yellow
temperature threshold. It is a non-disruptive test and can be run as a health
monitoring test.
DiagFanTest :
This test verifies all fan modules have been inserted and working properly on the
It is a non-disruptive test and can be run as a health monitoring test.
DiagPhyLoopbackTest :
The PHY Loopback test verifies the PHY level loopback
functionality. In this test, a packet is sent which loops back
at PHY level and is matched against the stored packet. It is a
disruptive test and cannot be run as a health monitoring test.
DiagScratchRegisterTest :
The Scratch Register test monitors the health of application-specific
integrated circuits (ASICs) by writing values into registers and reading
back the values from these registers. It is a non-disruptive test and can
be run as a health monitoring test.
DiagPoETest :
This test checks the PoE controller functionality. This is a disruptive test
and should not be performed during normal switch operation.
DiagStackCableTest :
This test verifies the stack ring loopback functionality
in the stacking environment. It is a disruptive test and
cannot be run as a health monitoring test.
DiagMemoryTest :
This test runs the exhaustive ASIC memory test during normal switch operation
NG3K utilizes mbist for this test. Memory test is very disruptive
in nature and requires switch reboot after the test.
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.x (Catalyst 9200 Switches)
Configuring Online Diagnostics
Examples: Displaying Online Diagnostics