Additionally, license usage data is collected and a report is sent to you every month. If required, you can
configure your Call Home settings to filter out sensitive information (like hostname, username and password)
from the usage report.
Downgrading a device from Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1 to any prior release will migrate the smart license to
traditional license. All smart license information on the device will be removed. In case the device needs to
be upgraded back to Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1, the license status will remain in evaluation mode until the
device is registered again in CSSM.
Generating a New Token from CSSM
Tokens are generated to register new product instances to the virtual account.
Step 1
Log in to CSSM from
You must log in to the portal using the username and password provided by Cisco.
Step 2
Click the
Step 3
From the
Virtual Account
drop-down list, choose the required virtual account.
Step 4
Click the
Step 5
New Token
Create Registration Token
window is displayed.
Step 6
In the
field, enter the token description.
Step 7
In the
Expire After
field, enter the number of days the token must be active.
Step 8
(Optional) In the
Max. Number of Uses
field, enter the maximum number of uses allowed after which the token expires.
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.x (Catalyst 9200 Switches)
Configuring Smart Licensing
Generating a New Token from CSSM