Escape character is '^]'.
Step 3
Obtain the addresses of the LES/BUS for later use by entering the enable router configuration command (to enable
configuration mode) and the show lane default-atm-addresses EXEC command at the ATM prompt. You see the
following display:
ATM> enable
ATM# show lane default-atm-addresses interface atm0
interface ATM0:
LANE Client: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0010.**
LANE Server: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0011.**
LANE Bus: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0012.**
LANE Config Server: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00
The two asterisks (**) represent the subinterface number byte in hexadecimal.
Step 4
Using the LECS address obtained in Step 3, set the address of the default LECS in the LightStream 1010 switch by
entering the configure terminal and atm lecs-address-default commands on the console of the LightStream 1010
switch. You see the following display:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# atm lecs-address-default 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00 1
Switch(config)# end
The commands shown in this step configure the address of the LECS in the switch. The LECS ATM NSAP address is
47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00. The sequence number of this LECS address, which is 1, means it
is the first LECS in this switch.
Step 5
Save the configuration to NVRAM by entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
Step 6
Start a LES/BUS pair on Catalyst 5000 series switch 1 by entering the interface atm0 and the lane server-bus
tokenring commands in global configuration mode. On the console of Catalyst 5000 series switch 1, enter the
following commands:
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# interface atm0
ATM(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring crf112
ATM(config-subif)# end
Configuring the LES BUS and the LEC Example
Token Ring LANE Configuration Example