functions allows for a single meeting stream from the Cisco WebEx Data Center to support enterprise
conferencing traffic.
Figure 9: Cisco WebEx Network
Each Cisco WebEx Node SPA can be configured to perform either web conferencing or voice and video
conferencing, but not both at the same time. Each Cisco WebEx Node SPA uses the same software package
that includes both features; but the conferencing feature that actually runs on each SPA is determined by the
Cisco WebEx Service Plan that the customer has purchased. The WebEx Data Center retains the Cisco WebEx
Node SPA configuration files that the SPA retrieves each time the SPA boots. Multiple Cisco WebEx Node
SPAs can be installed on the same Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router to increase performance
or to provide coverage for both media and video or VoIP sessions.
Cisco WebEx Node Management System
A web-based management tool located in the Cisco WebEx Data Center called the Cisco WebEx Node
Management System (NMS) is available to perform the following tasks, and access the following information
through a web browser:
Administration Account Management
Add or delete users and change passwords
Login history
System Information
Memory usage and memory history (previous 24 hours)
CPU usage and CPU usage history (previous 24 hours)
Basic OS information
Server Process Information
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers SIP and SPA Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE
Everest 16.5
Overview of the Cisco WebEx Node for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
Cisco WebEx Node Management System