D r a f t 1 A - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 4 Using the Web-Browser Interface
Using the Management Pages in the Web-Browser Interface
Displays a summary of security settings and provides links to security
configuration pages that are used to configure all security options for each
radio interface.
Displays status for several access point features and links to configuration pages
for Telnet/SSH, CDP, domain name server, filters, proxy Mobile IP, QoS, SNMP,
SNTP, and VLANs.
Wireless Services
Displays a summary of wireless services used with CCKM and provides links to
WDS configuration pages.
System Software
Displays the version number of the firmware that the access point is running and
provides links to configuration pages for upgrading and managing firmware.
Event Log
Displays the access point event log and provides links to configuration pages
where you can select events to be included in traps, set event severity levels, and
set notification methods.
Configuration Action Buttons
Saves changes made on the page and remains on the page.
Discards changes to the page and remains on the page.
Clears the selected options on the page.
Updates status information or statistics displayed on a page.
Table 4-1
Common Buttons on Management Pages (continued)