show crypto engine accelerator statistic
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T
The following example shows typical output of the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 VPN Modules. Note the
current statistics, error counters, and associated error numbers that may be returned to the console:
bytes after encrypt
Number of payload bytes encrypted by the VPN Module, including
encryption header and trailer bytes.
packets decompressed
Number of packets that were decompressed by the interface.
packets compressed
Number of packets that were compressed by the interface.
bytes before decomp
Number of payload bytes decompressed by the VPN Module,
including encryption header and trailer bytes.
bytes before comp
Number of payload bytes decompressed by the VPN Module. Not
including encryption header and trailer bytes.
bytes after decomp
Number of payload bytes compressed by the VPN Module. Not
including encryption header and trailer bytes.
bytes after comp
Number of payload bytes compressed by the VPN Module,
including encryption header and trailer bytes.
packets bypass decompr
Number of packets that were not decompressed by the compression
algorithm on the originating router.
packets bypass compres
Number of packets that were not compressed by the compression
algorithm because they were too short.
bytes bypass decompres
The Number of bytes in the payload that correspond to the number
of bytes in packets bypass decompression.
bytes bypass compressi
Number of bytes in the packets that were not compressed by the
originating router because they were too short.
packets not decompress
Number of bytes in the packets that were not decompressed by the
compression algorithm on the originating router due to expansion.
packets not compressed
Number of packets that were not compressed because the packets
were too short.
bytes not decompressed
The number of bytes in the packets that were counted in the bytes
bypass decompresion counter.
bytes not compressed
The number of bytes in the packets that were counted in the packets
not compressed counter.
compression ratio
Ratio of compression and decompression of packets presented to the
compression algorithm that were successfully compressed or
decompressed. This statistic measures the efficiency of the
algorithm for all packets that were compressed or decompressed.
Ratio of compression and decompression of packets presented to the
compression algorithm including those that were not compressed.
This measures the compression efficiency of all packets on the
commands out
The number of requests that have been made to the AIM-VPN card.
commands acknowledged
The number of responses that have been handled by the AIM-VPN
Table 3
show crypto engine accelerator statistic Field Descriptions