Software Configuration Guide for Cisco 2600 Series, Cisco 3600 Series, and Cisco 3700 Series Routers
Chapter 2
Using the Setup Command Facility
Configuring Global Parameters
Step 9
Configure the ISDN switch type used by the Basic Rate Interface (BRI) module:
BRI interface needs isdn switch-type to be configured
Valid switch types are :
[0] none..........Only if you don't want to configure BRI.
[1] basic-1tr6....1TR6 switch type for Germany
[2] basic-5ess....AT&T 5ESS switch type for the US/Canada
[3] basic-dms100..Northern DMS-100 switch type for US/Canada
[4] basic-net3....NET3 switch type for UK and Europe
[5] basic-ni......National ISDN switch type
[6] basic-ts013...TS013 switch type for Australia
[7] ntt...........NTT switch type for Japan
[8] vn3...........VN3 and VN4 switch types for France
Choose ISDN BRI Switch Type [2]:
Step 10
Configure the asynchronous serial lines for the integrated modems on the modules installed in the router.
(If you want to allow users to dial in through the integrated modems, you must configure the
asynchronous lines.)
Async lines accept incoming modems calls. If you will have
users dialing in via modems, configure these lines.
Configure Async lines? [yes]:
Async line speed [115200]:
Cisco recommends that you do not change this speed.
Will you be using the modems for inbound dialing? [yes]:
If your asynchronous interfaces will be using the same basic configuration parameters, Cisco
recommends answering yes to the next prompt. That way, you group the modems so that they
can be configured as a group. Otherwise, you will need to configure each interface separately.
Would you like to put all async interfaces in a group and configure them all at one time?
Allow dial-in users to choose a static IP addresses? [no]:
Configure for TCP header compression? [yes]:
Configure for routing updates on async links? [no]:
Enter the starting address of IP local pool? [X.X.X.X]:
Make sure the starting and ending addresses of the IP pool are in the same subnet.
Enter the ending address of IP local pool? [X.X.X.X]:
You can configure a test user to verify that your
dial-up service is working properly
What is the username of the test user? [user]:
What is the password of the test user? [passwd]:
Will you be using the modems for outbound dialing? [no]:
Configuring interface parameters: