If this bit is set, indicating an amplifier stage error condition, and the AmpErrM bit is set to a ‘1’b, the INT
pin will go active. To determine the actual current state of the amplifier error condition, read the amplifier
error status register.
Mask for SRC State (SRCLockM)
Default = 0
This bit serves as a mask for the SRC status interrupt source. If this bit is set, the SRCLock interrupt is
unmasked, meaning that if the SRCLock bit is set, the INT pin will go active. If the SRCLockM bit is
cleared, the SRCLock condition is masked, meaning that its occurrence will not affect the INT pin. How-
ever, the SRCLock and SRCLockSt bits will continue to reflect the lock status of the SRC.
Mask for ADC Overflow (ADCOvflM)
Default = 0
This bit serves as a mask for the ADC overflow interrupt source. If this bit is set, the ADCOvfl interrupt is
unmasked, meaning that if the ADCOvfl bit is set, the INT pin will go active. If the ADCOvflM bit is cleared,
the ADCOvfl condition is masked, meaning that its occurrence will not affect the INT pin. However, the
ADCOvfl and ADCOvflSt bits will continue to reflect the overflow state of the ADC.
Mask for Channel X and Sub Overflow (ChOvflM)
Default = 0
This bit serves as a mask for the channel 1, 2, and Sub overflow interrupt source. If this bit is set, the ChO-
vfl interrupt is unmasked, meaning that if the ChOvfl bit is set, the INT pin will go active. If the ChOvflM bit
is cleared, the ChOvfl condition is masked, meaning that its occurrence will not affect the INT pin. How-
ever, the ChOvfl, ChXOvflSt, and SubOvflSt bits will continue to reflect the overflow state of the individual
AmpErr Setting
Amplifier Error Event Status
0 .......................................... An amplifier error condition has not occurred since last read of this register.
1 .......................................... An amplifier error condition has occurred since last read of this register.
SRCLockM Setting
SRCLock INT Pin Mask State
0 .......................................... SRCLock condition masked.
1 .......................................... SRCLock condition un-masked.
ADCOvflM Setting
ADCOvfl INT Pin Mask State
0 .......................................... ADCOvfl condition masked.
1 .......................................... ADCOvfl condition un-masked.
ChOvflM Setting
ChOvfl INT Pin Mask State
0 .......................................... ChOvfl condition masked.
1 .......................................... ChOvfl condition un-masked.