These six values are:
1. DMX Address – the starting address for the Lightblade. The first character of the display shows “A”,
followed by values from 001 to 512.
2. DMX Personality – The display shows on of the four personality options: HSIC16, HSIC08, RGBC16,
3. DMX Slot 1 –If the unit is in HSIC mode, the Label is “I”, followed by the intensity in values from 0-100%.
If RGBC mode the Label will be “R”, representing Red, with a value range of 0-100%
4. DMX Slot 2 - If HSIC mode this will be CCT. The Label character is “C”, with a value range is 2700-6500K.
If the unit is in RGBC mode this will be “G”, with a value range of 0-100%.
5. DMX Slot 3 – If HSIC mode this will be Saturation and labeled “S”. If RGBC mode this will be “B”. Value
range for either is 0-100%.
6. DMX Slot 4 – If HSIC mode this will be Hue, labeled “H”, with a value range of 0-360º. If RGBC mode this
will be CCT, labeled “C”, with a range of 2700-6500K.
If DMX is connected to the Lightblade Edge unit, the display will show the starting DMX address by
default. Values of each of the six settings can be viewed by cycling through the settings, although LOCAL
control is disabled. If no DMX is present, the unit displays LOCAL, and local control is enabled.
Local Control
The control module includes four color-coded buttons, with functions as follows:
MENU (Blue Button)– This selects one of the six settings being displayed and possibly modified. Each
press of this button rotates through these values that can be viewed and modified. The display remains
on the selected value for 20 sec. allowing the ability to monitor the DMX value live or modify using UP,
DOWN followed by ENTER. If no buttons are pressed for 20 sec. the display returns to the DMX Address
(for example “A 001”) or LOCAL, dependent on DMX signal presence.
UP (White Button)– increments the value displayed by 1 unit. If the button is held down more than 1 sec.
then this control auto-increments at higher speed allowing the user faster advance capability thru the
DOWN (Black Button)– decrements the value displayed. If the button is held down more than 1 sec. then
this control auto-decrements at higher speed allowing the user faster decrementing capability thru the
ENTER (Green Button)– this confirms the displayed of Address or Personality, changed by the UP and
DOWN buttons. If ENTER is not pressed within 20 sec of the last UP and/or DOWN change then the
display returns to DMX Address mode and NO changes are made.