5. Restart the engine.
6. Shift into the desired gear range. If the
problem is no longer detected, the transmission
will return to normal operation.
Even if the transmission can be reset, we
recommend that you visit your authorized
dealer at your earliest possible conve-
nience. Your authorized dealer has diagnos-
tic equipment to determine if the problem
could recur.
If the transmission cannot be reset, authorized
dealer service is required.
When To Use TOW Mode
When driving in hilly areas, towing a trailer,
carrying a heavy load, etc., and frequent trans-
mission shifting occurs, select TOW mode, us-
ing the rotary switch on the center console.
Selecting TOW mode will improve performance
and reduce the potential for transmission over-
heating or failure due to excessive shifting.
Refer to “Selec-Trac®” in “Starting And Operat-
ing” for further information.
Paddle Shift mode is a driver-interactive trans-
mission feature providing manual shift control,
giving you more control of the vehicle. Paddle
Shift allows you to maximize engine braking,
eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts,
and improve overall vehicle performance. This
system can also provide you with more control
during passing, city driving, cold slippery condi-
tions, mountain driving, trailer towing, and many
other situations.
When the transmission is in DRIVE or SPORT
mode, it will operate automatically, shifting be-
tween the eight available gears. To engage
Paddle Shift mode, simply tap one of the steer-
ing wheel-mounted shift paddles (+/-) while in
DRIVE or SPORT mode. Tapping (-) to enter
Paddle Shift mode will downshift the transmis-
sion to the next lower gear, while using (+) to
enter Paddle Shift mode will retain the current
gear. When Paddle Shift mode is active, the
current transmission gear is displayed in the
instrument cluster.
In Paddle Shift mode, the transmission will shift
up or down when (+/-) is manually selected by
the driver, unless an engine lugging or over-
speed condition would result. It will remain in
the selected gear until another upshift or down-
shift is chosen, except as described below.
Normally, in Paddle Shift mode, the transmis-
sion will automatically shift up when maxi-
mum engine speed is reached. If, however,
Paddle Shift is engaged while in SPORT or
TRACK mode, the transmission will remain in
the selected gear even when maximum en-
gine speed is reached. The transmission will
upshift only when commanded by the driver.
The transmission will automatically downshift
as the vehicle slows (to prevent engine lug-
ging) and will display the current gear.
The transmission will automatically downshift to
first gear when coming to a stop. After a stop,
the driver should manually upshift (+) the trans-
mission as the vehicle is accelerated.
JOB: @zeta.tweddle.com/InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/CLS_InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/GRP_Owners_Manual/JOB_