The screen will revert back to “Please come
to a complete stop, Not Ready”, if the vehicle
fails to reach 60 mph (100 km/h) in less then
10 seconds.
The time will continue to display until the OK
button is pressed or the vehicles is brought to
a stop.
Braking Distance
When selected, this screen displays the vehi-
cle’s braking distance and the speed at which
the brake pedal was depressed.
This feature will only function when applying the
brakes at speeds above 30 mph (48 km/h).
Engaging the parking brake will disable this
The word “READY” will display when condi-
tions are met for the event to begin.
The distance and speed measurements dis-
play while the event is taking place.
The distance measurement will be aborted if
the brake pedal is released before the ve-
hicle comes to a complete stop.
The distance and speed measurements will
continue to display until the conditions are
met for another event to be recorded.
Pressing the OK button will clear the current run
and prepare the cluster to record a new run.
1/8 Mile, 1/4 Mile
When selected, this screen displays the time it
takes the vehicle to travel 1/8 mile (1/4 mile)
within 25 seconds.
The feature will “ready” when the vehicle is at
0 mph (0 km/h). The word “READY” will
display when conditions are met for the event
to begin.
0.0s will display if the vehicle fails to reach
1/8 mile (1/4 mile) in less then 25 seconds.
The time will continue to display until the
vehicle is brought to a stop.
Instantaneous G-Force
When selected, this screen displays the current
G-Force (lateral and longitudinal).
Peak G-Force
When selected, this screen displays all four
G-Force values (two lateral and two longitudi-
When a force greater than zero is measured,
the display will update the value as it climbs.
As the G-Force falls, the peak forces will
continue to display.
Pressing and holding the OK button for five
seconds will clear the peak force values.
Launch Mode – If Equipped
This system maximizes acceleration traction for
straight line racing.
1. Bring vehicle to complete stop on a level
track surface with the engine running.
2. Set the steering wheel for straight ahead
3. Fully press the brake pedal.
4. Press and release the “LAUNCH” Button.
5. Press the accelerator pedal to the floor.
JOB: @zeta.tweddle.com/InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/CLS_InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/GRP_Owners_Manual/JOB_