RPMSP Series Installation Guide
11. Adjust H-Position and V-Position (in Size and Position menu) to re-center the
image on screen.
12. Adjust Size (in Size and Position menu) first until the image is at the desired
width, then adjust Vertical Stretch. Adjusting one option may have an affect on
the other, repeat adjustment if necessary.
13. If required, readjust H-Position and V-Position to center the image.
14. Perform Color Temperature Setup.
15. Adjust black levels and input levels – for quick setup of these, enable Peak
Detector in the Input Levels menu.
16. Select a Lamp Mode setting from the Lamp menu. Adjust Intensity to match
lamp brightness of adjacent projectors. 100W recommended.
17. Adjust color primaries, brightness uniformity and edge blending using the
detailed procedure provided in the user’s manual - Matching Colors in Multiple