Freeze-dryer Epsilon 1-4 LSCplus
Freeze-dryer Epsilon 2-4 LSCplus
3 Safety
Version 04/2014, Rev. 2.13 of 01/12/2021
• sb
27 / 148
Translation of the original operating manual
• having maintained the system at regular intervals (see chapter 8 -
• having the safety devices checked regularly in terms of their correct
operation (see chapter 3.8 - "Safety devices")
Any parts or components that are not in perfect working order must be
replaced without delay.
Special equipment for freeze-drying applications involving solvents:
Additional points concerning the freeze-drying of solvent-containing
With regards of corrosion resistance, the use of some organic solvents in
aqueous solutions with low concentrations is acceptable.
Under certain circumstances, the freeze-drying of products containing
solvents may lead to the formation of explosive mixtures. This is why the
operator must draw up special operating instructions/SOPs including
precise instructions
• concerning the deactivation of specific components, such as WTMplus,
LyoCoN, PT100 (see chapter 1.3 - "Intended use", section "Freeze-
drying of solvent-containing products"),
• concerning the chamber pressure and shelf temperature for every
product that is to be processed in the freeze-dryer (see the table in
chapter 1.3 - "Intended use"),
• concerning the inspection of the freeze-dryer in view of damage caused
by the solvent that is used (see chapter 1.3 - "Intended use", section
"Freeze-drying of solvent-containing products").
Special equipment
– H
decontamination system: additional points
concerning decontamination with hydrogen peroxide (H
The operator must ensure that detectors for hydrogen peroxide vapour are
installed in the room in which the freeze-dryer is used and that these
detectors are checked at regular intervals.
The operator must draw up special operating instructions/SOPs including
precise instructions
• concerning the decontamination of the freeze-dryer with hydrogen
• concerning the deactivation of specific components, such as WTMplus,
LyoCoN, PT100 (siehe chapter 1.3 - "Intended use", section
"Decontamination with hydrogen peroxide (H
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