Problem #
1: One loop not running, motors overloaded.
1.Auger stops because the feed level is too high (motors overloading).
A. Check to make sure that the auger running time is set correctly. The auger running time should be set for only 10
seconds more than the amount of time required for the auger to travel from one hopper to the next.
2.Check for foreign objects in the trough. Follow this procedure:
A. Reset the motors (push the overload button) and operate the feeder. If the feeder runs fine, the overload was caused
by either high feed levels or a foreign object in the trough. (see item B, below).
B. If the feeder fails to operate, check the auger for foreign objects or water. The most likely place or object to jam is
in the elbows or at a power unit. Foreign objects in the auger will cause the auger to become wedged and may be
under pressure.
Using an Auger Puller or pliers, check both elbows and both power units.
CAUTION: Do not handle the auger by hand. Springing auger can cause severe personal injury.
C. Remove the object from the auger. If object is found at the power unit, check to make sure the auger was not damaged
or distorted. Replace damaged section of auger.
D. If an object is not found, check other power units and elbows. It may be necessary to remove the power unit(s) from
the trough and check to see if they operate properly. Replace if necessary.
E. If water is found in the trough, it may be necessary to help get the auger moving before the power units will take over.
F. Check screens in screeners for holes if source of foreign objects cannot be found.
Problem #2: One loop frequently overloads. When motors are reset, feeder runs fine for several minutes
(days) before stopping. No foreign objects can be found.
1.Empty the feeder by opening the clean outs. Perhaps the problem is caused by a small object which will fall
out with the feed.
2. Check the empty auger for a piece of metal wrapped around a flighting. Often these objects cannot be seen
unless the auger is empty. Remove the foreign object.
CAUTION: Do not handle the auger by hand. Springing auger can cause severe personal injury.
3. Check the auger for stretched flightings or kinks. It may be necessary to remove auger from trough. Remove
the damaged section(s) of auger and rejoin the auger. If one foot (300 mm) of auger or less is removed it
may not be necessary to add a section of auger to replace damaged section.