CAS 2700-15 Danfoss AK-SC-255 XML
2016 Chipkin Automation Systems
, 3381 Cambie St- Box 211, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
(866) 383-1657,
(416) 915-4024
1. Danfoss AK-SC-255 XML to BACnet IP, Modbus RTU TCP Gateway
The CAS Gateway’s Danfoss driver connects to a Danfoss system via http REST to poll for real time data.
The Gateway connects to the Danfoss System, reads data, and stores it internally. When a remote
system requests data, the data is served in a form that is appropriate to the requesting protocol. The
CAS Gateway serves data from a Danfoss system as Modbus, BACnet or Web data. The gateway
supports all these options simultaneously. Use the data you want and ignore the other.
The driver is an Ethernet driver that uses Ethernet cables and a hub or a switch to connect between the
Gateway and the Danfoss system. The Danfoss system must enable and support the XML Interface.
This manual contains additional information about how the Gateway operates as well as instructions on
how to setup the connections to the Gateway and how to configure and read data from the Gateway.
The following is a brief description of the sections covered in this manual.
2. Connections
This section contains information about how to connect to the Gateway. It includes block diagrams and
any wiring diagrams that are needed.
3. Setting up the Gateway
This section describes how to connect to the Gateway initially and how to set the IP Address
4. Configuring the Gateway
This section has instructions and images of how to configure the Gateway through the web page
5. Reading the Data
This section contains example of the Danfoss data that is stored on the Gateway and how to read the
Reports Page
6. Commissioning, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting
This section contains details on what to bring to site when installing the Gateway, how to take
diagnostics and the tools to use, and how to trouble shoot and take logs.